Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is Culture

Mrs Head asked us 'what is culture?' We could show her any way we wanted. I choose to do a glogster.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Evidence of achieving my reading goals

My reading goals were to ask and answer questions about the story I read.

This shows that I am asking different types of questions after listening to a story.

To share my ideas more about the story with my group.

My name is in the modelling book lots for answering questions.

My last reading goal is to read faster like I talk.
I am getting better sometimes I can read fast and other times the words are trickier. This is still a goal for me to get more confident at reading stories I haven't seen before.

Evidence of achieving my writing goals

My writing goals are to use full stops and capital letters and to start using question marks, exclamation marks and speech marks.
This shows that I am using exclamation marks and remembering to use my full stops and captial letters. I need to try and work on using questions marks and speech marks more in my writing.

My next goal is to add more detail and describing words to my writing.

I have used interesting words like swoops down and I like my title of Superman lazers the day.

My last writing goal is to start using similes in my writing.

This shows that I can write similies about popcorn. My goal now is to use similies more in my writing.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Evidence of achieving my maths goals

My maths goals are to explain my strategy's with others.
I do this on post it notes when the teacher asks me to and I can show my strategy or how I worked it out. But I could still work on this goal and share my ideas more with my group.

Another maths goal is to confidently use my tidy tens and doubles to add and subtract.would do if it was 9 + 8 I would do 10 + 8 = 18 - 1 = 17

My last maths goal is to learn my two, five and ten times tables and divided by. I have achieved one of my goal's by using my 5's 10's 2's.