Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I know you might have lost your parents or kids but you haven't lost yourself. My dad knows what it feels like because his dad died when he was like Twelve. Don't be sad your parents or kids are in your heart and they are happy that your safe. So hold your head high and be strong. So don't be sad. Use your life wisely don't be afraid the storm is over and you can cry all you want. I'm so so sorry that the storm was so bad. Remember that your kids or parents are in your soul and trying to keep you happy and so am I.
(From Rico Vardon school NZ)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fizz up volcano

I like science and guess what!We are doing science.We are going to make an volcano explode when you add mentos to volcano.
The CO2(carbon dioxide) is in the middle of the fizzy drink.The H20(water) sits around the CO2(carbon dioxide) and it's making a bubble.The quicker the mentos goes down the bigger the explosion. Anyway the mint comes in and takes the H20(water) away.Then the CO2 (carbon dioxide) can get bigger and bigger caboom!The volcano exploded!
Now you know why it explodes.Try making your own volcano at home.