Thursday, July 4, 2013

100WC rubbish bins

 Week #37

As the recycling bins see the night they... come alive

 They play games but they have to find rubbish first because that’s their food. The lonely rubbish bin had no rubbish because he was too little but it was nearly his birthday so he will grow bigger. But then a boy accidently pushed the lonely little rubbish bin down the hill. Luckily there was a gate but the bad thing was… that the gate broke and so did he.  The other rubbish bins were worried because he was the youngest. People came at night to fix his bruised broken body.

1 comment:

  1. To Rico,
    Well done on your first go at the 100WC.
    How do you think 100WC can help you with your writing?
    What did you enjoy about being part of the 100WC?
    I love how you have used some alliteration at the end by repeating the 'b' sound with bruised broken body. I also like how you have used the adjective 'lonely' to describe the rubbish bin. Next time I wonder if you could try and include a simile as well and maybe a few more adjectives.
    From Mrs Head
