Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Yellow is the sun reflecting on a silver opened chip packet making a fire

Yellow is the bees buzzing around the flowers finding Yellow honey.

Yellow is the out line of the yellow eyed penguins eyes diving in the ocean.

Yellow is the fire demolishing a house.

Yellow is the warning sign saying the yellow sun is going to demolish the world.


By Rico

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rico,
    Great poem. I love the descriptive language and what you have chosen to describe the colour yellow like the eye of the penguin. There is a lot of demolishing happening I wonder if you could come up with something different for the last line? Is the hokey pokey in an icecream or in a crunchie bar yellow? Or the Rutherford supports dressed in yellow on a Vardon School sports day?
    Keep up the great work Rico.
    From Mrs Head
